What is urban greening?
10 November 2021Urban areas take up the most space in the world. In the past few years, the development of urban areas has been rapid. These urban areas are mostly built up with concrete and not environmentally friendly materials where the presence of greenery is not available. With climate change in mind, it is not a surprise that the presence of green in urban areas is very important. That’s where urban greening steps in. Through urban greening, greenery is more and more incorporated in the built environment. But what is urban greening in the first place and what are the benefits of it? An explanation of what urban greening is and what the benefits are followed below.
The importance of urban green spaces
Nowadays, the importance of urban green spaces has been realised by many. Green spaces play an important role in improving urban areas, contributing to combatting the effects of climate change. Architects have therefore started to incorporate more and more greenery in the built environment. What first was understood as incorporating greenery in public spaces, parks, planting trees and landscaping has now shifted to incorporating vertical greenery on buildings such as a living wall on facades or green roofs on flat roofs. Through vertical green, green spaces can be created in urban areas where there is not enough space for the implementation of greenery.
Urban greening and its benefits
One of the important benefits of urban greening is the added aesthetic value. In addition, not only is greenery pleasant to the eyes, research shows that a view on greenery contributes to reducing stress and improving well-being. Another benefit of urban greening is the stimulation of biodiversity. Vertical greenery such as living walls and green roofs contribute to biodiversity. The plants in the green roof and living wall attract insects such as bees and butterflies ensure cross-pollination which increases biodiversity. In addition, urban greening contributes to improving air quality by capturing fine dust particles and converting CO2 into oxygen. In areas where air quality has to be improved, this can be easily realised with urban greening.
Urban greening is therefore very important. With ready-to-use green solutions, it is easy to add greenery to the environment and experience the many benefits of urban greening. Have a look at the ready-to-use green solutions from Mobilane.