2008 – From green screens and green walls to green roofs
With the growing focus on sustainability, Mobilane expanded its expertise from hedges and green walls to green roofs. The company started by importing a green roof system from Italy, but soon pursued more local production. The goal was not only to reduce its carbon footprint, but also to reduce transportation costs. Indeed, after rainfall, the imported cassettes absorbed water, significantly increasing their weight and associated costs.
These challenges led Mobilane to develop its own green roof system and take the cultivation of sedum plants in-house. This led to the innovative MobiRoof ECO green roof system.
A sustainable and smart design
Several improvements were made during the development of the new system. The cassettes were enlarged from 46×46 cm to 50×50 cm, allowing exactly one square meter to be covered with four cassettes. For added flexibility, the cassettes could be cut into four pieces along specially fitted seams.
In addition, the cassettes were manufactured entirely from recycled material, using residual streams from the company’s own nursery. This sustainable approach reinforced Mobilane’s reputation as an innovator. The new design allowed the substrate to be more evenly distributed, which not only simplified mechanical filling but also improved water buffering.
Local and efficient
By organizing the production of sedum planting locally, Mobilane managed not only to reduce transportation costs, but also to increase the quality and reliability of the system. The MobiRoof ECO green roof system became an important addition to Mobilane’s product range, extending the company’s expertise in greening from hedges and green walls to roofs. Today, this system is used worldwide as a sustainable and innovative solution for roof greening.