Engaging with local authorities on green initiatives at Green Government 2019

5 June 2020

For those looking to meet, explore and debate the latest green initiatives, issues and driving forces behind sustainability from a public sector perspective, head for the Green Government conference this July. The 1-day conference takes place on 2 July 2019 at the Victoria Park Plaza and is organised by Green Government as part of a collaboration with London Climate Action Week.

Green Government 2019

You will certainly be in good company. Mobilane will on the front line of exhibitors facing over 250 senior decision makers from central and local government, education and associated organisations in attendance. Find out more about the event at Green Government 2019. The speaker programme includes senior level advisors and key influencer from the Greater London Authority, the Department for Food and Rural Affairs and energy and environmental academics from universities and think tanks from the UK and worldwide.

Green My School: Pollution Barriers

Exhibiting our ready-made green systems, living ivy green screens and living, planted products, we will also be welcoming interest in our Green My School campaign. This is just one of the initiatives driven by Mobilane in the quest to improve playground and roadside air quality for children, staff and parents alike. With direct engagement from our Green My School installation network, a number of schools and colleges across London and other UK cities have already taken great strides forward in their fight against air pollution, with funding options available from the Mayor’s Air Quality Fund and Green City Fund, particularly where the presence of noxious PM10 particles are at their most prevalent.


Reducing air pollutants by up to 60%

The Mobilane experts will be in attendance to discuss possibilities with new partners and collaborators in the public realm to help promote the creation of these ultra-hard-working natural, hand-woven green screens, densely planted with ivy – the best climbing plant for the absorption of the airborne particulate matter – shown to reduce the presence of PM10 pollutants on the playground by up to 60%. You can find out more about these studies into ivy green screen PM10 absorption here.

Add in the screens’ benefits of security, privacy and natural beauty, and any school or public establishment should seriously consider this planted option for perimeter and boundary options.

London Climate Action Week

The UK Government is committed to reducing greenhouse gas emissions by at least 80% by the year 2050. Green Government 2019 will be the perfect opportunity to connect and unite with innovators like Mobilane in the search for clean technology, sustainable alternatives and pioneering products like the Mobilane Green Screens that are driving clean growth across the UK.

Read about just some of the schools reaping the earliest air quality improvements with their Mobilane Green Screen pollution barriers as part of the ongoing Green My School campaign #GreenMySchool

You can also read about other public projects where Mobilane ready-made green systems are creating natural environments in the public realm:

Green Screens at Hammersmith Flyover

Green Screens at Sutton School

Green Screens and Wallplanter in Bracknell town regeneration