5 effects in which plants impact our health

14 January 2022

People are becoming ever more aware of the role plants can play in our lives. Research shows that plants have a positive influence on our health: they can help reduce our stress levels, to name just one example. Read on to find out more about the five ways in which plants impact our health:

  1. Plants have a positive effect on mental health
  2. Plants reduce stress
  3. Plants improve focus
  4. Plants improve quality of sleep
  5. Plants improve the indoor climate

Mobilane LivePanel PACK 5 effects of plants on health

Good for your mental health

Mental health is hugely important. Eating healthily, getting enough exercise, and taking enough rest are the bare minimum we should do to look after our state of mind. But did you know that plants also contribute to your mental health? When we can see greenery around us, our productivity, attention span, and memory all start to improve. These days, we spend most of our time indoors, and that undoubtedly takes its toll on our mental health. Fortunately, plants offer a great solution.

More greenery, less stress

Building on the previous effect, people who are surrounded by plants experience lower stress levels, partially due to the fact that the presence of plants is enough to put anyone at ease. Their green color is associated with hope and renewal, and the result is that plants have a calming effect. People who are surrounded by greenery have lower blood pressure and feel more relaxed and happy. Simply being able to see greenery around you goes a long way to reducing your stress levels.

Mobilane LivePanel PACK and LivePicture GO Mobilane 5 effects of plants on health

Improved focus

Research has shown that plants improve our focus. Seeing plants all around us has a restorative effect. The mental muscle we need to help us focus gets the chance to recharge, which leaves us feeling less tired. The result: when you’ve got plants around you, you’ll soon notice an improvement in your ability to concentrate and focus.

Improves quality of sleep

Plants in the bedroom improve our quality of sleep. As mentioned earlier, looking at plants has a calming effect. The one thing we want to do in our bedrooms is relax, and plants help us do so. On top of that, plants also purify the air. Their leaves capture any unpleasant odors, and they produce the oxygen we need to help us sleep better. Plants such as Aloe Vera, Lavender, and Peace Lily are perfect at doing just that.

Mobilane 5 effects of plants on health

Improved indoor climate

Leaving the bedroom behind for a moment, plants also help improve the indoor climate in other rooms. They do so by capturing harmful substances, such as CO2, and by producing oxygen. If you smoke at home, plants are also great at masking the smell of smoking. They filter the toxic substances in cigarette smoke, leaving us with much cleaner air inside our homes.

As you can see, plants positively impact our health in many different ways. They reduce our stress levels and improve our focus. Interested in surrounding yourself with more plants after seeing these positive effects, but don’t have enough space? Take a look at our LivePicture GO plant picture or LivePanel PACK  green wall for a stylish and innovative solution for your home.