Mobilane and SGS Search have joined forces to bring you DNA InsectScan for living walls: a new, unique and innovative method to measure the effectiveness of living walls for biodiversity.
Monitoring insects through DNA
An effective ecology strategy for the area surrounding our buildings can enhance the diversity of flowering and other plants, supporting a more diverse insect population as a direct outcome. Even so, due to their small size, arthropods such as insects are among the most difficult organisms to detect and monitor, despite being the most numerically abundant taxonomic group on Earth. Monitoring the insect species in a given area and charting the overall biodiversity often proves to be an effective way to track your success in promoting the pivotal ecosystem services that these species provide. Due to its sampling simplicity, low processing time, accuracy and sensitivity, DNA InsectScan for living walls by SGS Search is an innovative and useful tool to keep track of biodiversity changes. Unlike traditional biodiversity surveys, DNA InsectScan uses insect environmental DNA (eDNA) to assess insect communities.