Green My School | Pollution barrier installed at Walthamstow school
- Mobilane Green Screen
- Locations: Walthamstow, London Location
- Dealer: Hedera Screens Limited
As one of Mobilane’s main UK installation partners for over 12 years, providing living screens and living walls across the UK, Hedera Screens Limited have been promoting, supporting activity and installing Mobilane Living Green Screens at schools across the country, as the momentum for the Green My School campaign quickens.
The Mayor’s Air Quality Fund – January 2019
With the deadline for the next phase of funding under the Mayor’s Air Quality Fund initiative landing today (11 January 2019), schools and communities have been applying for funding under initiatives including the creation of pollution barriers. The Mayor’s Air Quality Fund (MAQF) is a £20 million fund over 10 years to support projects by London boroughs to improve air quality.
Living Green Screens installation at a Walthamstow primary school
Adding to an already impressive portfolio of green screen installations in similar urban school environments across the UK, Hedera Screens Limited have recently (January 2019) completed the first phase of another of their Mobilane Living Green Screen installations, this time for Woodside Primary School in Walthamstow. Created from 42 ivy screens and providing 58 linear metres of pollution protection, the screens – planted in timber planters – are the school’s first steps to providing a healthier, cleaner living and breathing environment for school, staff, visitors and parents. To ensure the screen continues to thrive and work at its absolute , the school have commissioned Hedera Screens Limited to maintain and manage the screen’s ongoing upkeep and irrigation.
Hedera Screens Limited have an ongoing programme of installations for similar schools across the country.
Waltham Forest District Council (@wfcouncil) have shared a small film taken at the school which shows how much the children, staff and visitors are enjoying the air improvements as they play and learn, safe and secure behind their living green screen pollution barriers.

Projects meeting the Mayor’s Air Quality Fund application criteria:
- London-wide anti-idling schemes
- London-wide inspections of construction sites to ensure approved and lower-pollution machinery is used
- Low Emission Neighbourhoods (LENs)
- pedestrianisation, road closures and car-free schemes in partnership with local communities
- supporting the uptake of low-emission vehicles and supporting businesses to reduce emissions
- exceptional projects
Successful funding applications have been gained for the installation of green screen pollution barriers under the “exceptional project” criteria.
Green My School
Instant green screens start working from Day 1. The funding, campaigning and initiatives such as Green My School are allowing schools to source and arrange professional installation of instant ivy green screening around school perimeters and roadsides. The go-to solution for improvements in playground air quality, the natural green barriers also act as welcome security and privacy screening and have an obvious natural aesthetic superiority over railings and timber fencing.